World News

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World News

Pope Francis apologises for Vatican ‘scandals’

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Pope Francis has made a surprise public apology for recent scandals “either in Rome or in the Vatican”. He made the apology at his weekly general audience in St Peter’s Square, but did not specify which scandals. He is thought to be referring to a senior Polish priest who was dismissed from his Vatican post […]

As Pope Francis arrives in the U.S.—to speak before Congress.

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BY PAUL ELIE Two summers ago my friend Agustín, an Argentinean graduate student on pilgrimage in Rome, filed into the papal-audience hall near St. Peter’s Basilica for a group photograph with Pope Francis. The pilgrims, a hundred in all, were put in four rows; those in the front row would meet the Pope. Then Francis […]

Pope Francis to stop off in Cuba on way to United States

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HAVANA — Pope Francis has added a stop in Cuba to his planned trip to the United States this September, a visit that will highlight his role as a peace-broker between the two countries and offer a boost to their efforts to mend relations after 50 years of rancor. Francis will make a Cuba landing […]

Israël promet d’intensifier ses raids contre le Hamas

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Tension entre Israel et Palestine, Plusieurs roquettes ont été tirées ces dernières heures en direction d’Israël. Dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, l’aviation israélienne a mené 160 raids de représailles sur le territoire palestinien. On dénombre déjà des dizaines de victimes côté palestinien.